Our instructors

Our resident instructors come from K9 military, police, and civilian backgrounds, with over twenty years of military experience. They are skilled in areas such as detection, tracking, protection, advanced obedience, and remote directionals. Our instructors have extensive experience and have completed training across Europe and the US. To become qualified military working dog instructors, our team members have undergone a lifetime of experience and courses, culminating in a yearlong instructor course.

Our team has instructed and trained military personnel in Ireland, Europe, and the USA, working with Special Operations Forces Multi-Purpose K9 teams. We encourage all our clients to inquire about our qualifications, which are on display at our facility. Our resident instructors have produced dogs for police forces in the UK and Europe, including the Dutch Air Force. We have also created K9 programs for Special Forces Units. All our resident instructors are qualified to industry standards, having completed courses at world-renowned institutes. We have a deep understanding of what handlers and owners need from training.

Additionally, we have a qualified K9 nutritionist who can advise on a suitable diet for your dog. Despite our extensive experience and qualifications, we always seek to further develop our team. This is why we are currently undertaking a Master of Research (MRes) in Animal Welfare and Behaviour.

We also have a network of very experienced instructors currently working in police and military units across Europe, who instruct on our courses. Drawing from their experiences at the current operational level, we provide the newest TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures) and training methods.

In addition to working with dogs, our instructors have hands-on experience in fostering and rehabilitating rescue dogs from all walks of life.